Kayseri Commodity Exchange
In our food laboratory, physical and chemical analyses are conducted to determine the economic value or varietal characteristics of wheat flour, bread, grains, and grain products. The quality parameters obtained from the analyses conducted by our Food Engineers in our Ministry-approved laboratory ensure that the relevant products are produced, stored, transported, and marketed in accordance with the appropriate techniques and hygienic standards.
In our Soil Laboratory, basic fertility analyses are conducted to provide fertilizer recommendations for the fertilization used by farmers, aiming to achieve the desired yield and quality in plant production. Based on these analyses, performed by Agricultural Engineers, the soil's structure and its macroelements are determined, and the appropriate fertilizer is recommended according to the crop pattern the farmer intends to plant. This helps prevent the misuse of fertilizers and ensures that high-quality products are obtained through conscious production practices. In our Water Analysis Laboratory, we continue to conduct analyses within the scope of irrigation water analysis, in order to obtain the right product and manage the soil's structure in a correct and controlled manner.